Legacy Dinner & Auction
The 2025 Legacy Dinner and Auction
The Legacy Dinner and Auction began over 20 years ago as a way to financially support Billings Christian School, and is anticipated through the year as a celebration of the exciting things happening at BCS. Hosted by the Big Sky Christian Education Foundation, the Legacy provides a way for our community to financially partner with BCS in its growth and improvements.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Doors Open at 5:30pm
Billings Hotel and Convention Center
Sponsorship Information:
For additional questions about sponsoring or attending this event, please contact the Big Sky Christian Education Foundation at (406) 794-3403, ext. 245 or email LegacyDinnerBCS@gmail.com.

Chaplain (Major General) Tom L. Solhjem
Chaplain Tom Solhjem retired as the United States Army’s 25th Chief of Chaplains in August 2023, culminating a 49-year career providing religious support to the soldiers, families, and civilians of the U.S. Army. His assignments included Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, and Elite Units with over 68 months in active combat zones including Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. His heroic exploits in combat as a chaplain are captured in the film “The Fighting Spirit,” and he and his wife are featured in the film “Overcoming Through Adversity,” a story of many families growing stronger through difficult times.
Tom never shrank back from difficult assignments or challenges in order to do ministry where God opens doors. He is a highly decorated and dedicated servant who has served with some of the most elite units in our nation’s military, sharing their demands and hardships. He has served in positions of tremendous leadership, advising senior Army leadership of major commands and in the Pentagon, championing religious liberty and free exercise of religion, while promoting spiritual life, faith and belief as critical components of readiness in the military. Tom is married to Jill and they have four children. He is a North Dakota native who now resides in southern Virginia.
Event Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Prime seating at two tables: One table of 8 (plus speaker and guest). One table of 8. 16 tickets to Private VIP Reception with keynote speaker preceding main banquet event for Platinum Sponsor and all of the sponsor’s guests. Sponsor logo used on all event advertisements. Recognition in program, at the banquet, and on BCS social media. Event sponsors featured on the electronic sign at BCS in March/April. Only one Legacy Sponsorship is available!
Prime Seating at two tables (8 seats each). Private Reception with speaker preceding main banquet event for Platinum Sponsor and 7 additional guests (8 attendees total). Sponsor logo used on all event advertisements. Recognition (logo) in the program, at the banquet, and on BCS social media. Event sponsors featured on the electronic sign at the Grand Campus in March/April.
Prime Seating at two tables (8 seats each). Private Reception with speaker preceding main banquet event for Gold Sponsor and 5 additional guests (6 attendees total). Sponsor logo used on all event advertisements. Recognition in program, at the banquet, and on BCS and BCSEF websites Event sponsors featured on the electronic sign at the Grand Campus in March/April.
Preferred Seating at up to two tables (8 seats each). Private Reception with speaker preceding main banquet event for Silver Sponsor and 3 additional guests (4 attendees total). Recognition (text, no logo) in the program, at the banquet, and on BCS and BCSEF websites. Event sponsors featured on the electronic sign at the Grand Campus in March/April.
Preferred Seating at one table (8 seats). Private Reception with speaker preceding main banquet event for Bronze Sponsor and 1 additional guest (2 attendees total). Recognition (text, no logo) in the program, at the banquet, and on BCS social media. Event sponsors featured on the electronic sign at the Grand Campus in March.
Individual Table
Table sales open Early January 2025! Full Table (seats 8) $800. Seating will be assigned according to the payment date and behind Event Sponsors.
More Information
For information about sponsoring or attending this event, please contact the Big Sky Christian Education Foundation at (406) 794-3403, ext. 245.
Previous Legacy Speakers
2024 Seth Dillon
2023 Kendall “Thumper” Switzer
2022 No Banquet Due to Covid
2021 Eric Metaxas
2020 Lee Strobel
2019 Trey Gowdy
2018 Colt McCoy
2017 Steven Curtis Chapman
2016 Kirk Cameron
2015 Franklin Graham (Evangelist)
2014 Jay Sekulow (Chief Council for the American Center for Law & Justice, ACLJ)
2013 Jase & Missy Robertson of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” (a special event)
2013 Andy Andrews (inspirational speaker & comedian)
2012 Tim Tebow (NFL QB & Philanthropist)
2011 Frank Reich (former NFL QB & former QB coach for Payton Manning)
2010 Coach Bobby Bowden (former coach for FSU & second winningest football coach in college)
2009 Michael Franzese (former mob boss)
2008 Mike Huckabee
2007 Andy Andrews (inspirational speaker & comedian)
2006 Michael Reagan (radio commentator & son of President Ronald Reagan)
2005 Lt. Col. Oliver North
2004 Kurt Warner (NFL QB & Superbowl Champion)
2003 A.C. Green (former NBA player)
2002 Dave Dravecky (former professional pitcher and cancer survivor)
The Big Sky Christian Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. A portion of your sponsorship is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All proceeds from the Legacy Dinner & Auction benefit students at Billings Christian School.
About BSCEF: The Big Sky Christian Education Foundation exists to ensure that Christian education can thrive in Montana by supporting Billings Christian School and Montana Bible College. A variety of initiatives for both schools provide vibrant academic and athletic programs, beneficial scholarship opportunities, and best-in-class educational facilities for students from pre-K through college.
For more information about the Big Sky Christian Education Foundation, please visit https://bscef.org/